Certificate Course in Graphology (24th of March). Diploma in Art Therapy(9th of March). Diploma in Psycho-Veda – Child Psychology (27th of March). Diploma in Psycho-Veda: Family Therapy (28th of March). ( CONTACT US TO KNOW MORE - Ph : +91 8884444601)

I'm me...


I'm me...

I feel good when I do things I love.

When you correct me, I yell I shout because you try to show me, your right and I am wrong and scold me for the things that I love doing.

I don’t see the way you see the world.

I want to play around, make a fuzz,

I like painting on the walls, which doesn’t make any sense to you.

I get bored when you all head into the mobile, laptop.

You tell me what will I do? While I am bored.

- Child’s inner voice.

Can we try and understand them from a different perspective?
The psychology of the child deals with understanding the children - In terms of psychological development, physical, emotional, social, and moral development, etc on how it influences or makes a child act in a particular way. This process of understanding starts from being an infant to teens

Do you work with children, in schools, or as a child psychologist and want to get practical experience?
Or maybe you're a student who wants to study child psychology?

Asha the Hope as an upcoming course – Diploma in Child Psychology which will help you understand how to deal with the child effectively, just not the theory and also practical aspects.

DCP will take place this December 28th, 2021, with 07 modules of 2 hours each and a follow-up activity.

Join us to find out more. It has a brochure attached to it. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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